Is your firm feeling the pinch from shrinking margins and increasing competition? Are you frustrated by a team that’s stuck in the compliance mindset, leaving you to shoulder the advisory work alone? Maybe you’re drowning in a sea of clients, buried under too much compliance work, and watching as staff morale and well-being take a nosedive.

If these challenges sound all too familiar, you’re not alone. Many accounting firms are struggling to make the shift to an advisory-first model – and it’s costing them big time.

The Real Pain: Your Team Isn’t Stepping Up

Let’s get straight to the point: as a partner, you’re probably feeling the pressure. Your team isn’t stepping up to the advisory plate, and the result? You’re buried under a mountain of work that should be shared across the firm. Instead of focusing on growing the business and building client relationships, you’re stuck doing what feels like everyone else’s job. The gap between where your firm is and where you know it could be is growing, and something has to change.

The root of the problem?

It’s not that your team lacks the ability or the desire to do advisory work. It’s that they’re missing the structure and process they need to succeed. And let’s be honest – without clear guidance, even the most talented team will struggle to deliver consistent, high-quality advisory services.

Stop Reinventing the Wheel (Because You’ve Got Enough on Your Plate)

Here’s the truth: trying to build your own advisory processes from scratch is a waste of time and energy – two things you can’t afford to waste. As accountants, we’re great at following established systems, but creating those systems? That’s a different story. That’s why it’s so important to *stand on the shoulders of giants* and leverage the proven frameworks that industry leaders have already developed.

Instead of spending months (or years) figuring it out on your own, why not adopt systems that are already working? It’s efficient, effective, and allows you to focus on what you do best – delivering outstanding service to your clients.

WIFM: Why Partners Should Care About Building an Advisory-First Firm

So, what’s in it for you? Why should you care about transitioning to an advisory-first firm?

Here’s why:

  1. Your Sanity (and Reigniting Your Passion): Let’s be honest – when you’re buried under compliance work, it’s easy to lose sight of why you became an accountant in the first place. The passion fades, and suddenly, you’re contemplating a great escape from the industry. Embracing advisory services can reignite that spark. It allows you to get back to the strategic, meaningful work that makes a real difference for your clients—and reminds you why you fell in love with accounting in the first place.
  2. Attraction and Retention of Key Staff: Today’s top talent isn’t just looking for a job – they’re looking for a career that challenges them and allows them to grow. By embracing an advisory-first model, you’re offering your team the opportunity to engage in more meaningful, impactful work. This not only attracts high-calibre professionals but also keeps your best people from jumping ship.
  3. Boost Your Bottom Line: Advisory services create a steady, lucrative revenue stream. Unlike one-off compliance tasks, ongoing advisory relationships generate consistent income and help stabilise cash flow.
  4. Build Stronger Client Relationships: When you shift to advisory, you’re not just a service provider—you become a strategic partner. Clients who see you as essential to their success are far more likely to stay loyal, driving long-term business and referrals.
  5. Future-Proof Your Firm: The accounting industry is changing fast, and firms that don’t adapt will be left behind. Embracing advisory services keeps your firm relevant and thriving, no matter how the market shifts.

How Outsourcing Fits Into the Advisory Puzzle

Outsourcing isn’t just about cutting costs – it’s a strategic move that allows your team to focus on what really matters: advisory services. By offloading routine compliance and tax work to offshore or outsourced teams, you free up your onshore staff to dedicate more time to client-facing roles.

This isn’t just about efficiency – it’s about improving the quality of your advisory services. When your team isn’t bogged down with routine tasks, they can take the time to understand your clients’ businesses deeply, ask the tough questions, and deliver insights that make a real impact.

Engage Every Level of Your Firm (Yes, Even Admin)

Transitioning to an advisory-first firm isn’t a one-person job. It requires the collective effort of your entire team – senior partners, accountants at all levels, and administration staff. Each role plays a critical part in making this shift successful.

Senior Partners: You set the vision and lead by example. Sure, it might mean stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing new ways of doing things, but hey, that’s why you’re in charge, right? Your team looks to you for guidance – so let’s show them how it’s done.

Accountants: It’s time to go beyond the numbers. Becoming a true advisor means more than just offering insights – it’s about deepening client relationships, asking the tough questions, and learning how to dig out your clients’ business and personal goals so your conversations actually matter. You’re not just another service provider – you’re the go-to person for what really counts.

Administration Staff: You’re often the first point of contact for clients, which means you’re in a prime position to explain what taking an advisory-first approach means for them. You’re not just managing appointments – you’re helping clients understand how your firm’s approach will make a difference in their business and their lives.

There’s No Magic Bullet – But There Is a Proven Path

Let’s be real: there’s no magic wand for building a successful advisory-first firm. It takes thoughtful planning, adaptation, and leadership. But here’s the good news – you don’t have to do it alone. 

I’ve written Accounting Revolution just for this purpose. This isn’t just another business book; it’s your roadmap to transitioning your firm to a client-centric, advisory-focused model. It’s packed with insights and frameworks that will give you the tools and confidence to lead your team through this transformation without all the guesswork.

Lead the Way Forward (And Maybe Have Some Fun Along the Way)

If you’re ready to take your firm to the next level, it’s time to stop thinking about how to build your advisory services and start thinking about how you’ll lead your team to implement them effectively. By using proven systems and setting the example at every level – from senior partners to administration staff, you’ll be well on your way to building an advisory-first firm that’s not just surviving, but thriving.

So, what’s your next move? Grab a copy of Accounting Revolution (shameless plug, I know) and start paving the way for your firm’s future today.

The giants have laid the groundwork – now it’s your turn to stand tall, have a little fun, and make a big impact.