Curiosity might have killed the cat, but it’s the secret sauce that breathes life into advisory relationships! Embracing curiosity can be transformative for accountants transitioning from compliance to true advisory roles.

Let’s dive into why curiosity is essential and how it can reshape client interactions.

Why Curiosity Matters

Curiosity opens the door to deeper understanding and stronger relationships. It’s not about prying or being nosy; it’s about genuinely wanting to help clients by understanding their needs, challenges, and goals. When accountants adopt a mindset of curiosity, they move beyond the surface-level interactions typical of compliance work and into the rich, complex world of advisory services.

The Fear Factor: Overcoming Aversion to Questions

Many accountants are naturally private and may shy away from asking questions, fearing judgement or appearing intrusive. This hesitation often stems from a common fear of being judged, a trait shared by many in the profession. However, shifting this mindset is crucial. Questions are not judgments; they are tools for understanding and helping.

My mission is to foster self-belief and confidence among accountants to lead and transform their client relationships. By embracing curiosity, accountants can break down the barriers of fear and embrace the role of a trusted advisor.

Building Trust Through Curiosity

Curiosity builds trust. When clients see that their accountant is genuinely interested in their business and life, it fosters a sense of collaboration and mutual respect. This trust is the foundation of a successful advisory relationship.

To cultivate this trust, start conversations with open-ended questions. For example:

“What are your biggest challenges right now?”

“What are your goals for the next year?”

“How do you feel about the current state of your business?”

These questions show that you care about their success and are invested in their future.

Practical Tips for Embracing Curiosity

1. Call It Out: If you’re worried about appearing intrusive, address it directly. Say something like, “This question might seem a bit personal, but it will really help me understand your business better.”

2. Practise Active Listening: Show clients that you value their input by listening carefully and responding thoughtfully. This builds rapport and demonstrates your commitment to their success.

3. Use a Structured Process: Incorporate curiosity into a structured advisory process. This not only makes the questioning more systematic but also reassures clients of the professionalism behind your approach.

Overcoming Cultural Barriers

One of my clients from Alabama once said, “Lynda, we’re from the South; it’s not polite to ask questions.” This cultural norm can make the transition to a curiosity-driven advisory role challenging.

However, it’s essential to reframe the act of questioning from an impolite intrusion to a helpful tool. By explaining the purpose behind your questions, you can ease their discomfort. For instance, you might say, “I understand it might feel uncomfortable, but these questions will help me provide the best advice tailored to your needs.”

Curiosity in Action: The Childlike Wonder

Remember the endless “why” questions from your childhood? Embrace that spirit! Children are naturally curious and eager to learn. This relentless pursuit of knowledge can be incredibly powerful in advisory roles. It’s about asking “why” to understand the deeper motivations and challenges your clients face.

My own mother used to say, “Why is a crooked letter, and Z is no better,” when my curiosity overwhelmed her. This phrase conditioned me to think that questions might not always be welcome. However, in advisory, questions are your best tool. They are not about prying but about genuinely wanting to help your clients succeed.

Curiosity is Your Superpower

Curiosity is a catalyst for transformation. It’s the key to understanding your clients deeply and building relationships based on trust, collaboration, and genuine care. By embracing curiosity, you can move beyond the confines of compliance and into the dynamic, rewarding world of true advisory services.

So, accountants, let your curiosity run wild. Ask those questions, dig deeper, and watch as your relationships with clients flourish and your advisory services thrive. After all, curiosity didn’t just kill the cat; it might just save your practice!

To help you get started, download **”How To Start Advisory Conversations Easily”**. Inside this free resource are 26 questions to get the ball rolling. These questions are designed to help you gather crucial information and invite clients into an advisory relationship effortlessly.

Download your free copy HERE and start transforming your client interactions today.

By incorporating curiosity into your advisory approach, you align with your mission to transform client relationships and lead them to success. Embrace it, practise it, and see the profound impact it can have on your professional journey.